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Iain Whyte

Scottish Government Budget shows we're delivering for the Borders

Paul Wheelhouse, an SNP MSP for the South of Scotland, is highlighting the Scottish Government budget as an example that the SNP is delivering for the Scottish Borders.

The claim comes in the run up to the Selkirkshire by-election on the 22nd February and Mr Wheelhouse says the SNP's John Mitchell is the right man for the job.

Paul said:

"I think if you look at the range of candidates, John's experience and his qualities make him the ideal choice. Those SNP councillors elected last May, have proven to be strong advocates for their respective communities and I've no doubt that John would only add to an already strong team, holding the Tories to account."

He added:

"If you look at the budget that we've forward in Holyrood - lifting the public sector pay cap with 75% of public sector staff to get a 3% rise; £600m to support our Reach 100% Superfast Broadband roll out; Small Business rate relief worth more than £720m; real terms increases for Higher and Further Education; and £10m for the new South of Scotland Economic Partnership - this is a budget that is delivering for rural Scotland and for the Scottish Borders.

"All that and more delivered as a result of a progressive income tax policy which protects public services whilst ensuring that 70% of taxpayers, or all earning less than £33,000, will pay no more tax than they did last year. Indeed, some 55% of taxpayers in Scotland, specifically those earning up to £26,000, will pay less tax than anywhere else in the UK, ensuring this is a progressive and fair tax package that will benefit many thousands of hard working Borders payers.

"In stark contrast Tory income tax proposals would have resulted in £300m less for public services, having already inflicted substantial cuts on the block grant. The difference between us is that the Tories continue to inflict cuts on those least able to take them, the SNP invests in our people and our public services."

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