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Wheelhouse welcomes Scottish Government payment boost for 1,275 Borders carers

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

BORDERS SNP MSP Paul Wheelhouse has praised carers in the region after the Scottish Government announced a special one-off Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement to be paid in June.

Around 1,275 carers in the Borders are due to benefit from a one-off payment during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Scottish Government has revealed plans to invest £19.2million to provide further support to Scottish carers during the Covid-19 crisis. If approved by the Scottish Parliament, around 83,000 eligible carers across Scotland will get an extra £230.10 through the Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement scheme in June. It will be paid automatically to people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance.

Commenting on the news, Mr Wheelhouse said:

“At some point in our lives, virtually every single one of us – or someone we love – will need the support of a carer. It might be a professional carer, or more likely, an unpaid partner, child, neighbour or friend – certainly many of the constituents we support from my office have found themselves in a caring role or are benefitting from the support of a carer. Carers do incredible work in the Borders, where we have an aging population, and it’s only right that their hard work is valued and they are properly supported by the Scottish Government.

“This one-off payment will be a boost for carers who are on low incomes and have very demanding roles, often working round the clock every day to provide unpaid care services to a disabled child or an older adult with care requirements.

“This additional payment is a recognition that carers are providing vital support to family, friends and neighbours, and playing an absolutely crucial role in our current, collective efforts to suppress the Coronavirus.

“All those who perform these roles have my most sincere gratitude for all they do and I am really pleased that carers in the Borders and across the length and breadth of Scotland are being recognised by the SNP Scottish Government, in this way, for the very important contribution they make to our society and the wellbeing of vulnerable people in these very trying times.”

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©2021 Promoted by Elaine Thornton-Nicol, on behalf of Paul Wheelhouse, both at PO Box 13636, Melrose, TD6 6BL. 

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